Sunday, July 27, 2008

Moon Flower

About 15 years ago, my Mom gave me some moon flower seeds! Every year, I plant (OK, I really just throw the seeds out and what grows grows) these seeds. And every year I save the pods which have the seeds for the next year. Some years I get a lot of little bushes, and other years I just get a few. I never know from year to year what will happen. Anyway, these flowers bloom at dusk, and only for 1 day, then they wither and turn into the seed pods.

This is my first flower this year! I was surprised that it bloomed already. I just noticed that it was getting big enough on Friday.. So image my surprise when I saw this flower. I noticed that it has 3 more buds on it. The flowers are large too, they are about the size of a diner plate! I also thought I should look at my "garden" area... I have a few more plants that a springing up.. so I am hoping that soon, I will have a lot more of the flowers.
The nice thing about these.. the deer don't bother them at all. Unlike my lily's or my hosta. I should really "plant" more of these each year...


Karen said...

SO way COOL!!! I can't even imagine how big they are - take the next picture with Hannah holding the bloom in her hands, for perspective.

Michelle said...

Gorgeous flower Shawn. I have found since I got my new camera that I love taking pics of flowers!