Sunday, March 15, 2009

One sign... Almost a teen

Well, as you know.. Hannah had her birthday at the end of February.. the big 12... well.. here is proof that she is "totally" turning into a teen...

Nothing like catching her off gaurd...

Little did she know..

It was just too funny....

And Pat had his birthday last Sunday.. YUP.. I know a whole week ago.. and I still hadn't posted this..
Pat likes apple pie.. so I usually make him a pie instead of cake for his birthday.. I had the perfect cake ready to make.. but nope.. he wanted pie..
As you can see.. he is not one to enjoy having his picture taken either...


Karen said...

Everyone in your family will be trying to take away your camera now!!!

Dawn said...

It's a very nice pic of Pat. Hannah is too funny-

Jeannie said...

What a beautiful girl you have there!

Pie over cake?! It looks really good tho!

I haven't started on your penguin cards yet, hopefully this week - sorry! I'll let you know when they are in the snail mail!