Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Messenger

OK, so I read this book.. I guess I should have read Gathering Blue after The Giver, but I didn't know that they were related..
So anyway.. I read this mainly because I did enjoy The Giver.. EVEN though it was slightly disturbing. I am still thinking of what the message was in the book.
So... anyway.. at the point where I am with out a book again.
I have pretty much made my mind up that I am going to quit SU.. or stop being a demo.. or what ever you do.. I tried, I guess I just never really got enough of a following to make it worth while. I will be using my friend Deb as my consulantant. I have until the end of the month.. OK, actually, I think I will have until the end of April.. I will be put in "pending"... so I will just make sure that I have my paper up to date, and enough of it.. and if there are any sets that I have to have.. I am trying to decide if I want the Big Shot or not. That is one I have to think about.
Tomorrow is my wonderful hubby Pat's birthday!! He will be 41!! I am sure that he will be happy that I told "the world" that he will be 41.. but well.. So I will make him his favorite dinner of country pie, and an apple pie.. since he likes that more than cake..
That is about all..
Leave me a message...

1 comment:

Karen said...

I wish I had some suggestions for you, in the book realm ... but nothing comes to mind, sorry!

Tell Pat Happy Birthday from me! Enjoy your pie :-)